Sunday 20 January 2013

Inspirational Videos

Planning meeting 2

We meet up today to decide what we wanted to do. We planned and listed the various locations we wanted to incorporate into our music video. We talked about the narrative and this consequently led to the locations we decided upon. (gym, pub, bedroom etc) Once we decided our cast, costumes and locations, we then went on to create a mood board of all these  ideas. All our  ideas stemmed from indie-pop influences and stars that we also talked about in this session. (Lilly Allen, Kate Nash etc)  

We decided to go for Erna to be the main artist. We established that Erna would evidently fit in well with the style of the song (Foundations) and the genre indie-pop because of her bright red her and her ability to perform and feel comfortable in front of the camera.

Friday 11 January 2013

Music Video Timeline

This is roughly how our timeline is looking, we've tried to include a range of shots from close ups to ariel shots to long distance shots. This is so that we are considering how our audience might be targeted and for their needs to be met.